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dream, guitar player, angel, alien, ET, serenade, singing, love, in love, lovers, valentines day, dragobete, vali petridean, atelierul de print, cadou de arta, perfect gift, love illustration, contemporary art, angel cat, flying cat, transcendence, fish, fine art print, romance Dream Vali Petridean



Artwork details

"Some kind of a mix between an old-fashioned love story and a dream. It's just a feeling that I had while thinking about the perfect sleep. It's like a bird turning into a fish for an underwater sleep."

About the artist

Vali Petridean describes himself as (in this particular/ chronological order): shepherd, bakery stoker, tractor driver, sculptor, illustrator, art director and head of art, group creative director, father of 3 children and head of the family. His illustrations are telling us, however, the story of an inner world full of colors and fantastic happenings.



by Vali Petridean

200 Best Illustrators
Iv the Naive

Luerzers Archive

5 of Vali Petridean’s illustrations were featured in two editions (2009-2010 & 2011-2012) of the well known Luerzer’s 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide.

The selection was made from 1,139 illustrators with 6,075 submissions received from 69 countries. For creatives and art buyers in the world’s top agencies, 200 Best Illustrators has become a standard reference work that is a must-have on any art director’s desk.

Poetry books

Vali Petridean illustrated the 3 (so far) poetry books written by the beloved anonymous poet Iv cel Naiv - Iv the Naive.

Iv is a close friend of Vali, no one actually knows who he is, but everyone loves at least one of his poems. If you understand Romanian or you’re willing to learn it the nice way, you will enjoy www.ivcelnaiv.ro.

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