Artwork details
...isn't it?
About the artist
Livia illustrates all day long, sometimes even all night long. She is always in the mood for drawing every this and that, she illustrates books and children’s games, product packaging and magazines. She first heard of “leisure” last week, while riding the tram. On Thursday, to be more specific.
Check out her work and passions on www.illustration.ro and www.facebook.com/liviacoloji.artist
It's easy to lose control when you're having fun
by Livia Coloji

A cozy art studio in Timisoara
Balamuc is the playground of the artists Livia Coloji, Răzvan Cornici and Ana Kun. Apart they are kind and groomed, together they are unbelievable.
Their studio is based in Timisoara, Liberty Square, str 9 Mai, no 1, 2nd floor, ap 6, 300085.
Follow their Facebook page for more whimsical updates: https://www.facebook.com/balamuc.locdejoaca