Artwork details
*Zana Florilor*
Fairy Dust // Praf de Zane (2014)
Her hair smells of rosemary and costmary and grace,
She owns an elixir for every lovesick frown and any sorrow’s trace.
About the artist
Madalina Andronic is an artist passionate about tiny, delicate details, with a taste for love, amusement, cherries and an odd obsession for sly, cheeky, scarlet foxes. After a year and a half spent in London, she decided to put to good use her big shiny MA in Illustration and sprinkle some colour and joy all over your lives!
She works, she thinks, she dreams BIG, she's bright and shiny and always holds on to the magic of where she came from.
Check out her lovely website: www.madiandronic.com
Fairy of the Flowers
by Madalina Andronic

The Magical Book
Fairy Dust (Praf de Zâne) is Madalina Andronic’s self-published book. An album of magic tales and enchanting portrayals of imagined fairies, this book deserves a special place on the shelves of a true collector.
The magic is in the details, of course, and it brings sparkles into the eyes of any visual hedonist out there.
Take a look inside the book: http://prafdezane.tumblr.com/
And then press the “buy” button here: http://prafdezane.tictail.com/

Gifts for special someones
We’ve gathered in our gallery shop a perfectly mixed collection of artworks signed by 50 beloved illustrators. A curated selection of illustrated gifts for you, for him, for her, for their kid’s room, for the cat lady next door, for that colleague who loves dogs and shoes, even for that special friend of yours who-has-everything.
Caution • When browsing through our illustration gallery: there’s a great chance you might get lost in a magical world; and you might get addicted to it; inspiration might haunt you even days after; you might buy a gift so lovely, your favor could hardly be returned.